A few critics have suggested her thesis that the immigration experience was traumatic for many of the children is exaggerated. Many more suggested that she didn't tell the half of it.
Here are some of the comments.
- Every high school in Canada would find it a helpful addition. If I were still teaching Canadian history
I would assign your book as a resource to help students shape questions to interview any of the new Canadian families in the area. [from a non-Dutch retired teacher]
- I particularly appreciated your writing about the difference between the Christian Reformed and Catholic immigrants.
- It has stimulated a lot of discussion and some processing of emotions which is healthy
the sharing of many people's stories is healing in itself for it removes the sense of isolation
you did a great service for the Dutch Canadian community. [From a chaplain at a mental health agency]
- My husband (Canadian) read the book first. He couldn't put it down. Along with our trip to Holland
he feels like a whole new avenue of understanding has opened up for him
It is good for me to find out that many girls my age went to work and had a double uprooting, first from our country and then from our family. It has made it a little easier to forgive parents who with the light that they had done the best they could.
- Despite still experiencing discomfort and embarrassment while reading I found it engrossing. An excellent book, very personal, thorough and balanced. It captured the essenced of my immigration experiences.
- I have just finished your book and you have given me back a piece of myself I didn't even know existed.
- One man
finds it so emotional that he can only read short sections of it. He came to Canada when he was seventeen
now he is 68.
- My frustrations have been put into words.
- ...Vooral het hoofdstuk My children don't know my name vond ik aangrijpend. Ervaring krijg je door het te beleven
zoveel gaat verloren. [...Especially the chapter My children don't know my name I found emotionally gripping. You get experience by living it
so much is lost.]
- [A criticism about the book's anecdote on Dutch euthanasia]
Nobody in Holland just gives a needle. Strict rules are being followed
to put the story in your book perpetuates the myth that the people of Holland are less moral than the righteous immigrants in Canada.
- I went regularly to a psychiatric wing to visit one Dutch woman she lost it all in the process of coming from Holland. She missed relatives and friends after leaving Holland and her nerves went. Several women told me in what terrible conditions they had to live. I have seen the refurbished chicken houses! [from a retired hospital chaplain.]
- It sure answered a lot of questions for me.
- Some of these [books] will be going to Holland as Christmas gifts. Some of my relatives there always wondered what immigration was like for us. Your book will tell them.
